Results for 'Moh Nadhir Mu’Ammar'

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    Kritik terhadap sekularisasi turki: Telaah historis transformasi turki Usmani.M. Arfan Mu’Ammar - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 11 (1).
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  2. al-Fatāh al-Lībīyah.ʻAlī Yaḥyá Muʻammar - 1970
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    Das theologisch-philosophische System des Muʻammar ibn ʻAbbād as-Sulamī (gest. 830 n. Chr.).Hans Daiber - 1975 - Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei F. Steiner.
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    Al-ma'nà: Some Reflections on the Technical Meanings of the Term in the Kal'm and Its Use in the Physics of Mu'ammarAl-ma'na: Some Reflections on the Technical Meanings of the Term in the Kalam and Its Use in the Physics of Mu'ammar.Richard M. Frank - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):248.
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    Necessary Causality and Miracle in Mu'tazila: An Analysis within the Frame of Nature (Tabʽ) Theories.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r - 2020 - Kader 18 (1):31-60.
    This article is focused on the theory of nature (ṭabʽ) advocated by some of the early Muʽtazilī scholars such as Muʻammar b. ʽAbbād al-Sulamī (d. 215/830), Abū Isḥāq al-Naẓẓām (d. 231/845), Abū ʽUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) and Abū al-Qāsim al-Kaʽbī (d. 319/931) and its consequences about causality and miracle. The supporters of the ṭabʽ theory argue that Allah creates all beings with innate and permanent natures and these natures determine all movements and events in universe, and that necessary causal relationships (...)
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    Abbād b. Sulaymān’s Emphasis of Divine Trancendence: God’s Names and Attributes.Abdulkerim İskender Sarica - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):539-569.
    Muʻtazilite thinkers put forward the first systematic ideas for the relationship of essence and attributes, one of the most fundamental and complicated issues of Islamic theology, and comprehensive explanations to the question of God’s names. Although almost all the thinkers agreed on uṣūl al-khamsa, they differed in their approach to the principle of unity (tawḥīd). ‘Abbād b. Sulaymān, who lived in the period when these approaches emerged, is a scholar who reveals his distinctive view of God’s names and attributes in (...)
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    Politizace rozumu, nebo jeho depolitizace?Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    Knihu Kritika depolitizovaného rozumu (podtitul Úvahy (nejen) o nové normalizaci, Václav Bělohradský a kol., Grimmus, Všeň 2010) jsem si kupoval s vědomím, že s její- mi autory se asi nebudu ve všem shodovat, nicméně také s přesvědčením, že problém, na který poukazuje její název, je skutečně závažný, a s nadějí, že se o něm třeba dozvím něco z úhlu pohledu, který mi není vlastní, a tak se mi podaří ho nahlédnout plastičtěji. Bohužel jsem zjistil, že název knihy je pouze krycí; (...)
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    Recherche sur données : aspects juridiques et éthiques à travers l’expérience de l’hôpital Foch.Elisabeth Hulier-Ammar, Amélie Chioccarello, Pauline Touche, Achille Ivasilevitch, Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (172):8-14.
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  9. al-Mūsīqá: ʻatabāt al-muqaddas wa al-mudannas.Ibrāhīm Maḥmūd - 2005 - Ḥalab: Markaz al-Inmāʼ al-Ḥaḍārī.
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    Governing Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling: The Effect of the Governance Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling.Ammar Ali Gull, Nazim Hussain, Sana Akbar Khan, Zaheer Khan & Asif Saeed - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):349-374.
    This paper presents an examination of the relationship between the presence and composition of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee on the corporate governance board and CSR decoupling. Using a sample of listed firms drawn from 41 countries, we found that the presence of a CSR committee on the corporate board is negatively associated with CSR decoupling. We also noted that the nature of the industry to which a firm belongs, a firm's level of CSR orientation, and corporate governance quality (...)
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  11. THE EFFICIENCY EXTENT OF THE INTERNAL CONTROL ENVIRONMENT IN THE PALESTINIAN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN GAZA STRIP.Tarek M. Ammar, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (2):107-126.
    The purpose of this research is to identify the extent of the efficiency of the internal control environment in the Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip from the perspective of employees in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip, where researchers used in the study five universities. The researchers adopted in their study the descriptive and analytical approach. The research community consists of administrative employees and academic employees with administrative duties. Senior management or the University Council was excluded. The study (...)
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  12. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd, mufakkiran ʻArabīyan wa-rāʼidan lil-ittijāh al-ʻilmī al-tanwīrī.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd & Muḥammad ʻĀṭif ʻIrāqī (eds.) - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Scholars in Central Asia have long started exploring the nexus between law and technology. Contemporary Central Asian legal academia is producing research which stands at the junction of law, philosophy, and technology. Central Asia is comparatively not advanced in technology production and imports most the technologies from neighboring tech giants. These technologies are imported as a package along with the laws and regulations proposed by the technology manufacturing country. It has been observed that these regulations don‘t correlate with the existing (...)
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    (1 other version)Moving towards sustainable waste management: a critical analysis of corporate governance.Ammar Ali Gull, Asif Saeed, Noor Zahid & Rizwan Mushtaq - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Islamic devotion in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand as a deterrent against religious extremism.Moh Erfan Soebahar, Kurnia Muhajarah, S. Salahudin Suyurno, Rahimah B. Embong & Abdulroya Panaemalae - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    This research explores the concept of religious universalism and its potential impact on expressions of Islamic devotion within Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The study aims to investigate how Islamic practices and beliefs can serve as a deterrent against the proliferation of religious extremism. By examining various dimensions of Islamic religiosity in these countries, this research seeks to uncover the ways in which a broad and inclusive interpretation of religion can contribute to countering the influence of radical ideologies. Through an analysis (...)
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    A Gender Inequality in Mosque.Moh Rosyid & Lina Kushidayati - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 18 (1):77-92.
    The mosque is a center of worship and a learning medium for Muslims. As a place of worship, according to the _syariah_ there is no specific classification that mosques can only be dominated by one gender only. However, male dominance over the mosque as a religious public sphere occurred in the Baitussalam Kauman Mosque, Jekulo, Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia from 1923 until now. Therefore, this article seeks to analyze the factors of discrimination against females in using the mosque as a (...)
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    Мы предлагаем, чтобы Центральная Азия разработала свои собственные принципы этики ИИ, которые мы предлагаем назвать “кочевыми принципами ИИ”.
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    Вступление Кыргызстана в Таможенный союз нанесло серьезный ущерб кыргызскому бренду. Бизнесмены из соседних крупных экономик приобретают продукцию из Кыргызстана и перепродают ее под собственными брендами. Государственная экспортная политика ориентирована на получение экономической прибыли при полном игнорировании вопроса обеспечения безопасности бренда Кыргызстана. Цель данного аналитического документа - предложить идею защиты древних знаний юртового ремесла, персонализировать его с Кыргызстаном и использовать юрту в качестве бренда для всех производимых в Кыргызстане продуктов, особенно для сбыта экспортной качественной сельскохозяйственной продукции. Это предложение требует вмешательства на (...)
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    Manajemen madrasah dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan Islam.Moh Arif - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (2).
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    Membangun bersama rakyat berprinsip maqâshid al-syarî'ah di era kepemimpinan Joko Widodo.Moh Dahlan - 2018 - Bekasi: Serpico.
    Islamic view of Joko Widodo's leadership, the 7th President of Indonesia.
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    Islamic thought and the public sphere: A synthesis.Moh’D. Khair Eiedat - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (4-5):503-513.
    For the purpose of clarity I offer an operational definition of Islamic thought which is Sunni-based. The public sphere is placed in the context of deliberative politics as an ethical frame in which the following elements are assumed: freedom, equality, reciprocity, reasoning, choice, fraternity and solidarity. Three Islamic models are identified: model, the Sufi/individualist model; model, shariah-legal-religious nationalism; and model, the ethical model. Model is taken to be the most relevant to the notion of deliberative politics. The implications of model (...)
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    Pitutur Jawa.Moh Jumadi - 2022 - Jakarta: Kosa Kata Kita.
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    West - East Relations through the Prism of Islamic Fundamentalism.Ammar M. Kanah - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 37:78-84.
    Relations between East and West have changed many times over the course of history. In ancient times, a stereotype of "hostile animosity" emerged between them, because according to this stereotype, Eastern and Western people have different things - climate, environment, food, clothing, lifestyle, philosophy, laws, ethics and aesthetics. All these differences do exist, but they do not define incompatibility at all, and even more so hostility.
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  24. Max Müller's Encyclopaedia of language: a collection of lectures by Max Müller delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.F. Max Müller - 1864 - New Delhi: Cosmo Publications.
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  25. Adam Müllers Handschriftliche Zusätze zu der "Elementen der Staatskunst.Adam Heinrich Müller - 1926 - Jena,: G. Fischer.
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  26. Iṣlāḥ-i muʻāsharah ke rahnumā uṣūl: muʻāshare kī iṣlāḥ ke liʼe z̤arūrī aur bihtarīn uṣūlon̲ kā ek nafīs majmūʻah.Muḥammad Hārūn Muʻāviyah - 2006 - Buffalo, NY: Amrīkah men̲ milne [kā patah], Darul-Uloom al-Madania.
    Guidelines for an ideal Islamic society and the responsibilities of Muslim according to Islamic teachings.
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    Confronting The Threat of Relativism : Views from Islamic Philosophy.Moh Nasrin Nasir - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):163.
    Today the issue of ethics and most importantly moral values are being seen as merely based upon opinions and emotions. This has led towards a relativisation of moral values and thus towards the erosion of values amongst societies. This paper would analyze and suggest ways of preserving values for the structuring of developmental ideas for thinkers in developing countries. Coming from an Islamic standpoint the ideas of virtues have to be rooted within the transcendent or the Absolute. Such defense of (...)
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  28. OVERVIEW OF AI ETHICS IN CONTEMPORARY EURASIAN SOCIETY.Ammar Younas - 2022 - 34 International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Andquot;Science and Innovation": Collection of Scientific Papers: October 20, 2022.
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  29. Smallholders participation in sustainable certification: The mediating impact of deliberative communication and responsible leadership.Ammar Redza Ahmad Rizal & Shahrina Md Nordin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The initiative to ensure oil-palm smallholders around the world participate in sustainable certification is increasing. Different efforts were strategised including increasing awareness and providing financial support. Despite that, the number of smallholders’ participation in sustainable certification is relatively low. This study embarked on the objective to identify the role of social structure, namely social interaction ties in affecting smallholders’ participative behaviours. Moreover, this study is also looking on the mediating impact of deliberative communication and responsible leadership in explaining the relationship (...)
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    ‘Standing up’ Maḥallu al-Qiyām as cultural expression in Indonesia: A historical approach.Moh Ashif Fuadi, Andi Arif Rifa’I., Supriyanto Supriyanto, Yunika Triana, Rustam Ibrahim & Moh Mahbub - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):10.
    This study aims to discuss the historiography of standing up Maḥallu al-Qiyām in the cultural expression in Indonesia. This research is classified as qualitative research with a historical approach method reinforced with documentation, interview and observation. To deepen the meaning of Maḥallu al-Qiyām using analysis using the symbolic interpretive theory of Clifford Geertz. Interestingly, the tradition of Maḥallu al-Qiyām becomes a symbolic meaning of the expression of homage to the Prophet Muhammad and has the content of Maḥabbah teachings to the (...)
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  31. Influence of White and Gray Matter Connections on Endogenous Human Cortical Oscillations.Ammar H. Hawasli, DoHyun Kim, Noah M. Ledbetter, Sonika Dahiya, Dennis L. Barbour & Eric C. Leuthardt - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  32. A Philosophical Inquiry into AI-Inclusive Epistemology.Ammar Younas & Yi Zeng - unknown
    This paper introduces the concept of AI-inclusive epistemology, suggesting that artificial intelligence (AI) may develop its own epistemological perspectives, function as an epistemic agent, and assume the role of a quasi-member of society. We explore the unique capabilities of advanced AI systems and their potential to provide distinct insights within knowledge systems traditionally dominated by human cognition. Additionally, the paper proposes a framework for a sustainable symbiotic society where AI and human intelligences collaborate to enhance the breadth and depth of (...)
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  33. Identité de genre et violence subie : du non-dit au « ça-voir ».Wafa Ammar & Samia Smida - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):137-150.
    Bien que la Tunisie lutte pour les droits humains, la diversité sexuelle et de l’identité de genre reste frappée par l’exclusion et les discours stigmatisants. Les personnes appartenant à la communauté lgbt continuent à subir un traitement dégradant. Elles sont exposées à un système rejetant qui les place dans les marges et justifie leur maintien dans l’invisibilité et l’illégitimité sociales. Sur la base d’une analyse qualitative de discours de personnes concernées par la diversité de genre, bénéficiant d’une prise en charge (...)
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    Impact of Triage Nurse Training on Accuracy and Efficiency: A Systematic Review-Based Study.Manayer Ibrahim Al Ammar, Zahra Mohammed Dallak, Laila Alyanbaawi, Ahmad Salem Alsaedi, Hind Mohammed Al Rashidi, Maha Alshahrani, Bander Jarallah Aljebari, Meshal Barakah Alshammari, Samy Metab Almotairi & Sahar Jaber Sanhani - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1147-1161.
    Background Triage in the emergency department (ED) is a crucial procedure that establishes the urgency of patient care based on symptoms at presentation. Although the efficacy of triage nurse training programs varies, their goal is to increase the precision and efficiency of their decision-making. Aim With a focus on research done between 2019 and 2024, the systematic review attempts to evaluate the effect of training programs on the accuracy and efficiency of triage nurses in emergency departments. Method We conducted a (...)
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    The contemporary islamic law paradigm in indonesia.Moh Dahlan - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):313-338.
    This paper by using the ijtihad paradigm of maqâshid al-syarî’ah of JasserAudah and the descriptive-analytical approach, would like to emphasize that the role of religion and economic welfare are two things that cannot be separated. Although in practice these two things often face obstacles, especially in the matter of diversity in religious life because of the superficial ijtihad paradigm of Islamic law. Based on the contemporary paradigm that seeks to provide new criteria in the conception of qath’i al-dlilalah and dlanni (...)
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    Processing multiple recognition probes in short- and long-term memory.Richard C. Mohs & Keith T. Wescourt - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):319-322.
  37. al-Insān bayna al-muʻtaqad al-dīnī wa-al-ansanah.Rawḥ Allāh Mūsawī - 2019 - [Karbalāʼ, al-ʻIrāq]: al-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah, Muʼasassat al-Dalīl lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-ʻAqadīyah.
    Faith and reason--Islam; Human beings--philosophy; Faith--philosophy; Islamic philosophy.
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    The recent progression in AI, nanomedicine and robotics have increased concerns about ethics, policy and law. The increasing complexity and hybrid nature of AI and nanotechnologies impact the functionality of “law in action” which can lead to legal uncertainty and ultimately to a public distrust. There is an immediate need of collaboration between Central Asian biomedical scientists, AI engineers and academic lawyers for the harmonization of AI, nanomedicines and robotics in Central Asian legal system.
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  39. Systematizing AI Governance through the Lens of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory.Ammar Younas & Yi Zeng - manuscript
    We apply Ken Wilber's Integral Theory to AI governance, demonstrating its ability to systematize diverse approaches in the current multifaceted AI governance landscape. By analyzing ethical considerations, technological standards, cultural narratives, and regulatory frameworks through Integral Theory's four quadrants, we offer a comprehensive perspective on governance needs. This approach aligns AI governance with human values, psychological well-being, cultural norms, and robust regulatory standards. Integral Theory’s emphasis on interconnected individual and collective experiences addresses the deeper aspects of AI-related issues. Additionally, we (...)
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  40. Transition of "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" to the era of "Ultra-Sinosim".Ammar Younas - manuscript
    This paper is an attempt to describe the rationale behind recent Chinese Political-Legal Reforms. The article proposes an alternate to the “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”.
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    As the scope of innovative technologies is expanding, their implications and applications are increasingly intersecting with various facets of society, including the deeply rooted traditions of religion. This paper embarks on an exploratory journey to bridge the perceived divide between advancements in technology and faith, aiming to catalyze a dialogue between the religious and scientific communities. The former often views technological progress through a lens of conflict rather than compatibility. By utilizing a technology-centric perspective, we draw metaphorical parallels between the (...)
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  42. Proposing Central Asian AI Ethics Principles: A Multilevel Approach for Responsible AI.Ammar Younas & Yi Zeng - 2024 - AI and Ethics 4.
    This paper puts forth Central Asian AI ethics principles and proposes a layered strategy tailored for the development of ethical principles in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in Central Asian countries. This approach includes the customization of AI ethics principles to resonate with local nuances, the formulation of national and regional-level AI ethics principles, and the implementation of sector-specific principles. While countering the narrative of ineffectiveness of the AI ethics principles, this paper underscores the importance of stakeholder collaboration, provides (...)
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  43. Exploitation of values by our Academics.Ammar Younas - manuscript
    When we talk about Human Rights or Democracy, we see that people are not agreeing on a single definition of these terminologies. Everyone has a different interpretation and their own versions. Very basic values are being exploited in our educational institutions. For example, Beauty is exploited on the name of abstract art. No one is teaching, what is beauty itself? But they have given a standard instead of outlining the parameters of beauty. Beauty is value and abstract art may be (...)
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    Palestine-Israel Conflict: Where does Central Asia stand?Ammar Younas - 2017
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    Mystique et vocation ascétique à travers Les signes divins et les souffles spirituels d'at-Tawhidi.Ammar Amri - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dans un signe ayant un sens profond et un souffle ayant le parfum de l'âme purifiée, règne le discours spirituel d'at-Tawhîdî dans son ouvrage Les Signes divins et les souffles spirituels. Connu comme un homme de lettres et un intellectuel des salons, après son retour définitif dans sa ville natale, il nous suggère qu'il peut concentrer en sa personne un modèle scrupuleux et parfait, et, à son auditoire, il divulgue qu'il peut encore accéder au rôle d'intercesseur dans le sens des (...)
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    Islamic sharia reform of Ahmadiyah sect in Indonesia.Moh Dahlan - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
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    Waves and forms: constructing the cultural in design.Ammar Halabi & Basile Zimmermann - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):403-417.
    While research in HCI on dealing with cultural issues when designing ICTs tended to adopt fixed and taxonomic views, recent theoretical perspectives closer to the social sciences have called for attending to the contingent, fluid, and dynamic aspects of the notion of culture. In this article, we contribute to translating these perspectives into an approach for informing design. We focus on abandoning prior conceptions of culture to allow the discovery of cultural differences through inductive field research while engaging with the (...)
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    Recognition time for words in short-term, long-term or both memory stores.Richard C. Mohs & Richard C. Atkinson - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):830.
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    al-Madīnah al-fāḍilah ʻinda Abī al-Āʻlá al-Mawdūdī: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah naqdīyah fī munṭalaqāt al-naẓarīyah al-siyāsīyah al-Islāmīyah al-muʻāṣirah.Mūsá Muʻayrish - 2018 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ayyām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Maudoodi, Syed Abul ʻAla, 1903-1979; philisophy.
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  50. Naẓarīyat al-maʻrifah fī al-fikr al-falsafī al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir: Miṣr wa-al-ʻĪrāq.Ṣabbāḥ Ḥammūdī Muʻīnī - 2009 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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